Production Planner Home - Navigator Tab

On the Production Planner Home form, the Navigator tab contains several fields and tabs.


This table shows the fields available on this tab.

Field Description
Multi-Site Group Select a multi-site group to view the data in all shared multi-site groups which includes the group logged into by the user.

The default value is from the multi-site group specified on the Users form for the logged-in user. To see the correct data on the form, the sites in the group must all contain the same salesperson on each site with the same id.

Planner Code Select a planner code to limit the number of items that are displayed in the grid.

To return all items, leave this field as blank.

This field does not apply to all tabs on the Navigator tab. See the description for each tab to determine whether this field applies to the selected tab.


This table shows the available tabs. The majority of the information on these tabs is read-only.

Tab Description
Hot List Shows a list of items that may potentially have an issue with regard to demand versus quantity on hand

The data shown is from the MRP or APS planning data.

This tab contains these fields and grids:

  • Planner Code: Select a code to limit the number of items that are displayed in the grid. Leave the field as blank to return all items.
  • Cutoff Date: When you calculate the outstanding demand for items, select a date to look at demand up to this date. The default value is the current date.
  • Items: In this grid, click an item to view its planning details.
  • Planning Details: In this grid, view the planning details for the selected item.
Transactions Shows material transactions that are of interest to a production planner

The information on this tab is used to track down material transactions that affect the production planner's day-to-day job. For example, this tab can be used to show if a material that was earmarked to be issued to a specific job is no longer available.

To limit transactions that are displayed in the grid, select the transaction types. When All Types is selected, all material transactions are displayed. The data shown is the same as on the Material Transactions form.

Exceptions Shows planning exception messages for an item

These exception messages are generated by planning.

In the grid, select an item to see the relevant information.

Standard Cost Analysis Shows standard cost items and their standard costs as compared to the current unit cost

The data shown is from the Items form. The cost difference and net impact are calculations based on that data.

Planned Production Shows planned production that will be firmed into production orders, such as PLNs or planned production from APS or MRP, and MPS orders

In the Planner Code field, select a code to limit the number of items that are displayed in the grid. Leave this field as blank to return all items.

The data shows is from the Items form, where the item's source is manufactured and the item's Configuration Flag is cleared.

Production Action Shows possible issues related to production orders,such as Jobs and PS

Select one of these three options to filter the data:

  • To Be Released or Started: Shows production orders where:
    • The status is firm or planned and the start date is before the current date; or
    • The status is released and the last transaction date from the Job Orders form is blank, and the start date is before the current date.
  • Projected Late: Shows production orders where the projected date is later than the end date. This option is disabled if the system is in MRP mode.
  • Scheduled for Today: Shows production orders where the status is planned, firm, or released, and the start date is the current date or the end date is the current date.
Job Variance Analysis Shows jobs for items with a cost type of standard that have had large variance amounts posted into a variance account

For jobs where this condition occurs, a comparison of actual versus standard costs is shown for the operations and materials on that job. This data can be used for analysis into what jobs hit variance accounts and analysis of those jobs' actual costs versus standard costs.

The data shown is from the Job Orders, Job Operations, Material Transactions, and Job Materials forms.

Select the specific account, fiscal year, and period. After you change the information in the Account, Fiscal Year, or Period fields, you must select Actions > Refresh to refresh and see the updated data in the grids.

Material Issue Analysis Shows materials on production orders, such as Job or PS Release, that are either under-issued or over-issued on complete operations based on the set Completed Date

The job must have a status of "Released". For jobs, the data shown is from the Job Materials form. For Production Schedules, the data shown is from the Production Schedule Release Materials form.

In the Planner Code field, select a code to limit the number of items that are displayed in the grid. Leave this field as blank to return all items.

Safety Stock Shows items with a quantity on hand below the specified safety stock quantity on the Items form

The data shown is similar to the Inventory Below Safety Stock report.

In the Planner Code field, select a code to limit the number of items that are displayed in the grid. Leave this field as blank to return all items.

Production By Customer Shows active jobs that are tied to the selected customer

This information is obtained through one of these modes:

  • MRP Mode: Jobs that are directly cross-referenced to a CO Line/Release or project resource.
  • APS Mode: Jobs that are from the planning engine.
Pending Transactions Shows a single view of unposted job transaction data, which includes the DC error processing and pending labor, and material transactions

The data shown is from the Unposted Transactions form.

Click any button to open its corresponding form. If the button has a number on it other than zero, the form opens and immediately shows those records.

Resource Group Schedule Shows the operations that are scheduled for a Resource Group

The data shown is generated from the Scheduler and is similar to the data on the Resource Group Schedule form.

Resource Group Plan Shows the operations that are planned for a Resource Group

The data shown is generated from the Planner. If the system is in one of the APS modes, the data shown is similar to the data on the Resource Group Plan form.

Demand Summary APS Shows the APS plan for demand orders between the set start and end date

The tab is disabled if the system is not in one of the APS modes. The data shown is similar to the data on the Demand Summary APS form.

This tab contains these buttons:

  • Detail: Click this button to open the Demand Detail Chart APS form.
  • Reference: Click this button to open the corresponding order form.
    • CO: Opens the Customer Order Blanket Releases form.
    • Job: Opens the Job Orders form.
    • PS: Opens the Production Schedule Items form.
    • Proj: Opens the Project Resources form.
    • MPS: Opens the Master Production Schedule form.