Printing a report output

  1. Open the Financial Report Writer form.
  2. Click Print.
  3. On the Financial Report Output form, specify this information:
    Report ID
    Select the report ID to identify the report.
    Current Date
    When you use the current date translation method with financial statements and ledger consolidation, the system uses today's date as the current date. If you must print a historical statement for a prior period using the current translation method, select the date to use.
    Increment Date
    Select this check box for the system to automatically increment date ranges and re-run reports and utilities.
    Select the currency to use for the amounts in the report or accept the default of your company's domestic currency.
    Report Type
    Select report type to indicate how to run the report.

    If you select Unit 1 to 4, the account balance information on the report is strictly for the range of Unit Codes (1-4).

    On the Financial Report Writer form, if the From Unit Code 1 has a defined value, this value is used as the starting range of Unit Code 1s to determine the account balance. If this value is blank, the From Unit Code 1 value on the Financial Report Output form is used. This same logic holds for all From and To Unit Codes (1-4).

    Site Group
    Select a multi-site group or use the default value.
    Line Summary Level
    Select the level of output detail for the report.
    Select the details to print on the report.
    Default Values
    The fields are only used when the report to be printed does not have the values hard coded as part of the report definition.
    Select the check box to display the report header.
  4. In the Actions section, click any of these buttons:
    • Preview: Click this button to launch a preview of the report output in a new tab.
    • Print: Click this button to print the report output as designated in the report options.
    • Schedule: Click this button to open the Background Queue form, where you can schedule the printing of the report.