Viewing Credit Card Transactions

To view or audit transactions that were processed through the credit card interface, use the Credit Card Transactions form.

Some field values on this form are copied from the values specified for credit card payment during order entry

  1. Use these fields to view the transaction information:
    This value is automatically assigned by the system.
    The customer number is displayed.
    This value is the system date and time when the audit log entry was made.
    If selected, this field indicates the transaction was processed without error through the interface.
    Original Site and Site Sequence
    In a system with a centralized customer order entry, these fields display the site and site sequence where the credit card information was entered.
    Card System ID
    This field shows the ID of the credit card system, as defined on the Credit Card Systems form.
    Credit Card System
    This field shows the name of the third-party system to which the transaction was sent.
    Transaction Type
    This field indicates the type of credit card transaction, for example Authorize or Return.
    Total Amount
    This field shows the amount of the transaction.
    Customer Reference
    This field contains a reference from the customer. This additional information is required to qualify for Level 3 authorization.
    This field contains the message that was received from the third-party system for this credit card transaction request. The content and amount of detail that is provided depends on the third-party system.
    Auth Code
    This field contains a value received from the third-party system to indicate that the credit card information you sent is valid.
    This field displays the type of application transaction.
    Reference Num
    This field contains the SyteLine invoice or order number, for reference.
    Expiration Date
    This field shows the credit card expiration date. This field is not available if you use the CenPOS gateway.
    Remote Transaction
    This field contains a unique transaction ID generated by the credit card gateway.
    Created By
    This field indicates the ID of the user who requested the transaction.
    Card Type
    This field identifies the type of credit card.
    Check Number
    This unique value is assigned to this credit card transaction and is used as the Check Number on A/R payment forms, to allow you to track the payment.
  2. Close the form.