Data Anonymization Overview

The data anonymization functionality allows you to redact flagged information on the Items, Vendors, and Customers forms.

Here is what you need to do to use this functionality:
  1. On the General Parameters form, select the Enable Data Anonymization check box.
  2. Open the Data Anonymization Table Configuration form. Use this form to define the tables or forms that contain fields that need to be included as part of the anonymization process.
  3. Open the Data Anonymization Field Configuration form. Use this form to define which fields to anonymize and the method of anonymization to use.
  4. On the Items, Customers, or Vendors forms, depending on what you want to redact, select the Active for Anonymization check box for any item, customer, or vendor you wish.
  5. Open the Data Anonymization Utility form, and click the Anonymize All Marked Records button.