
An uplift takes either the base 10 version up to the most current build of version 10, or it takes your build of version 10 up to the most current build. This is done with the Single Version Installer (SVI) found on the application server. As part of the uplift process, FormSync automatically runs against all forms for which patches were applied, including your personalized forms (forms other than vendor level). Consider this "FormSync Phase 1". During this automated phase 1, FormSync merges the vendor level changes from Infor into your personalized forms; however, in certain cases, those changes might not be committed so manual intervention is required. This manual intervention occurs in phase 2 of FormSync, and it requires interaction with a user who understands your personalized form content. When FormSync runs in phase 1, it logs unresolved prompts/conflicts from Infor’s vendor level changes compared to your personalized forms. These prompts are replayed in phase 2; and again, it requires interaction with a user who understands your personalized form content. For Phase 2, you must login to the application and open the FormSync form. The numbered steps in this section direct you to do this. If there were unresolved prompts/conflicts, you are prompted to make decisions specific to your personalized form content. If there are no actions to be taken, a message similar to this is displayed, "Backup tables do not exist in Target”.
Note: If you have master/subordinate environments with databases that are separate (master is on its own database and subordinate databases are not in the same database as the master), uplift the master first, then uplift the subordinates. Once the uplift of all environments is successful, login to each environment and regenerate replication triggers.
Note: You can use the FormSync Log form to view FormSync log messages before performing Phase 2. If FormSync phase 2 cannot address a conflict, specifically some associated with event handlers and form scripts; the choice will be to either keep the entire personalization event handler or script or replace all.
  1. Use the SVI to uplift the database to the latest build. Within the SVI, in the Manage Environment section, click on a configuration with a status that says it is eligible for uplift.
  2. Click Uplift Environment. If this is grayed out, select your server role and click the Install latest version button to update your server.
  3. In the Confirm window, click Preview Changes.
  4. After some processing, review the changes.
  5. Save the changes if you like, and click Close.
  6. In the Confirm window, select the Commit Changes check box. The Preview Changes button becomes the Commit Changes button.
  7. Click the Commit Changes button.
  8. A message is displayed that tells you that if you uplift an environment, it is not reversible. Ensure that you have already previewed the changes and agree with the changes.
  9. If you are ready to proceed with the uplift, click OK.
  10. After some processing, you are informed that it is ready for use with the current version. You can select several configurations at once to uplift if they all point to the same SQL database.
  11. Upgrade any unapproved third-party products with the upgrade provided by those third parties.
  12. Log in to the configuration to which you just performed the uplift.
  13. Open the FormSync form.
  14. Specify the proper configuration name in the Target field.
  15. Select Completion of automated upgrade.
  16. Click OK.
  17. Respond to any prompts until the process is complete.
    If on-premises, you are finished with this procedure.
  18. If you are not using the DATALAKE replication category, you are finished with this procedure. If you are using the DATALAKE replication category, continue to the next step.
  19. If you are using the DATALAKE replication category in a replication rule, perform a "discovery" on all SyteLine IMS connection points:
    1. In ION Desk, select Connect > Connection Points.
    2. Select an existing SyteLine IMS connection point.
    3. In the Documents tab, click Refresh. ION calls SyteLine and retrieves the latest list of documents (tables) from the DATALAKE replication category.
    4. Click Save to keep the discovered tables.
    5. Repeat steps b, c, and d for each SyteLine IMS connection point.
  20. If you are using the DATALAKE replication category, reactivate the erp_datalake flow:
    1. In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.
    2. Select the erp_datalake flow.
    3. Click Deactivate and then click Activate.