Generating the Vietnam S01-DN general ledger report

This report includes general ledger information that is required by the Vietnam Accounting System (VAS).

  1. Open the General Ledger Transaction Report.
  2. In the Report Type field, select Vietnam S01-DN.
    After you select this option, some fields on the form are disabled and others are marked as required.
  3. Specify this required information:
    Transaction Date
    Specify the range of dates. Select the Increment Date field if needed.
    Specify the account for which you want to show GL transactions. This report shows transactions for a single account, not a range of accounts, so the ending Account field is disabled.
    Unit Codes 1-4
    Specify the appropriate unit codes to further filter the report, if needed.
  4. Select Preview to preview the appropriate report.
  5. Select Print to generate the report in the format required by the Vietnam authorities.