Generating the Vietnam 01-1/GTGT VAT output report

The report includes information, within the selected ranges, about AR posted transactions.

The report is grouped by tax code with totals at the end of each tax code and grand totals at the end of the report.

  1. Open the Sales VAT Register form.
  2. In the Report Type field, select Vietnam 01-1/GTGT.
    After you select this option, some fields on the form are disabled.
  3. Specify this required information:
    Tax Code
    Specify the range of tax codes to include.
    Tax Period Date
    Specify the range of dates. Select the Increment Date field if needed.
    Specify the range of invoices to include.
  4. Select Preview to preview the appropriate report.
  5. Select Print to generate the report in the format required by the Vietnam authorities.
This data is included in the generated output:
Label Data displayed
Starting/Ending Tax Period Starting and ending tax periods
Company Company name
Address Company address
Tax ID Tax ID from the Tax Parameters form
Tax Code Tax code and description from AR Posted Transactions form
No. Report line number (sequence)
Symbol invoice form
Sign bill
Customer Name Name of customer from AR Posted Transactions
Customer Tax ID Tax ID of customer on transaction
Items Description of items on invoice
Sales without taxes Invoice amount minus sales tax, multiplied by exchange rate, from AR Posted Transactions
VAT Sales tax * exchange rate, from AR Posted Transactions
Notes Reference from A/R Posted Transactions form
Sub Total Column sums, grouped by tax code
Grand Total Sum totals