Viewing Currency Revaluation Reports

Use the (Thai) Currency Revaluation Report form to view the A/P and A/R Currency Revaluation Report for internal and external audit. You can use this report to check and review accounts before posting to the final journals. The report includes gain/loss amounts previously posted to the A/P and A/R journals when generating realized gains and losses. The report contains the information as currency, description, currency exchange rate (selling exchange rate for receivables and buying exchange rate for payables), and two balancing journal entries for each transaction posted.

  1. Open the (Thai) Currency Revaluation Report form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select to process a receivables account.
    Select to process a payables account.
    Vouchers Payable
    Select to process a vouchers payable account.
    Starting/Ending Currency
    Select the first and last currency code to include on the report.
    Transaction Date
    Select the transaction date.
    Increment Date
    Select to automatically increment the date ranges and re-run the report.
    Realize Gain/Loss
    Select to use the realized accounts that are tied to each currency and to update the historical rates stored on each record.
    Inventory Adjustment Offset
    This field is available only if the Use Analytical Ledger check box is selected on the General Parameters form. Specify the Inventory Adjustment Offset account for which entries will be made to the General Journal. This account must be a non-analytical account. If you do not use a separate Analytical Ledger, this field is disabled. When you choose an account, the corresponding unit code field (1-4) is enabled so that you can then choose a unit code. Also, a description of the account is displayed.
  3. Select Actions > Background to open the Background Queue form.
  4. Determine the frequency for this report.
  5. Click OK to submit the report.
  6. Optionally, click Preview to view the results before printing.
  7. To print the report, click Print .