Line data

This table describes fields and their values for use in line data.

All line values that are also on the header will default from the header and be overridden as specified below. Item and Product Code are sent conditionally based on vrtx_parm.product_taxing.

Field name Values
Ship To Address
  • Vertex: Not Used
  • Avalara: DestinationAddress

Line level overrides of ship to address information is based on vrtx_parm.drop_ship_ignore.

These fields are included:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • County
  • Country ISO Code
  • CO Invoicing: address of coitem.cust_num/seq
  • Consolidated Invoicing: address of coitem.cust_num/seq
  • Price Adjustment Invoice: address of coitem.cust_num/seq
  • CO Order Entry: address of coitem.cust_num/seq
  • CO Estimate Entry: address of coitem.cust_num/seq
  • Replication Orders: address of coitem_all.cust_num/seq
  • AR Invoice: header values
  • EDI Orders: address of edi_coitem.cust_num/seq
  • Project: header values
  • Project Invoice: header values
  • RMA: header values
  • RMA Invoice: header values
  • SRO/SRO Invoice:
    • Material: address of fs_sro_matl drop ship
    • Line Material: address of fs_sro_line_matl drop ship
  • Contract: header values
  • Contract Invoice: header values
  • POS: header values
Ship From Address
  • Vertex: Not Used
  • Avalara: OriginAddress

These fields are included:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • County
  • Country ISO Code
  • CO Invoicing: address of coitem.whse for invitem.co_num
  • Consolidated Invoicing: address of coitem.whse for invitem.co_num
  • Price Adjustment Invoice: address of coitem.whse for invitem.co_num
  • CO Order Entry: address of coitem.whse
  • CO Estimate Entry: address of coitem.whse
  • Replication Orders: address of coitem_all.whse
  • AR Invoice: header values
  • EDI Orders: address of edi_coitem.whse
  • Project: header values
  • Project Invoice: header values
  • RMA: header values
  • RMA Invoice: header values
  • SRO/SRO Invoice:
    • Material: address of fs_sro_matl.whse
    • Labor: address of fs_sro_labor.whse
    • Miscellaneous: address of fs_sro_misc.whse
    • Line Material: address of fs_Sro_line_matl.whse
    • Project Operation: address of fs_sro_oper.whse
  • Contract: header values
  • Contract Invoice: header values
  • POS:
    • Material: address of posm_matl.whse
    • Labor: address of posm_labor.whse
    • Miscellaneous: address of posm_misc.whse
  • Vertex: Product.Value
  • Avalara: ItemCode

If the system sends Item, Product Code, or Nothing for the code, it is determined by Vrtx_parm.product_taxing.

Labor and Miscellaneous send exempt codes based on vrtx_parm.fs_misc_ignore and vrtx_parm.fs_labor_ignore.

Project Operation sends product code based on vrtx_parm. use_sro_oper_prodcode

  • CO Invoicing: inv_item.item
  • Consolidated Invoicing: inv_item.item
  • Price Adjustment Invoice: inv_item.item
  • CO Order Entry: coitem.item
  • CO Estimate Entry: coitem.item
  • Replication Orders: address of parms
  • AR Invoice: Hard Code “ARInvoice”
  • EDI Orders: edi_coitem.item
  • Project: Hard Code “ProjectMilestone”
  • Project Invoice: Hard Code “ProjectMilestone”
  • RMA: rmaitem.item
  • RMA Invoice: inv_item.item
  • SRO/SRO Invoice:
    • Material: fs_Sro_matl.item
    • Labor: fs_sro_labor.work_code or SVC-LBR-EXEMPT
    • Miscellaneous: fs_sro_misc.misc_code or SVC-MSC-EXEMPT
    • Line Material: fs_Sro_line_matl.item
    • Project Operation: “SROProject” or fs_sro_oper.product_code
  • Contract/Contract Invoice:
    • Line: hardcode “CONTRACT”
    • Surcharge: hardcode “SURCHARGE”
    • Waiver: hardcode “WAIVER”
  • POS:
    • Material: posm_matl.item
    • Labor: posm_labor.work_code or SVC-LBR-EXEMPT
    • Miscellaneous: posm_misc.misc_code or SVC-MSC-EXEMPT
Product Code
  • Vertex: Product.Value
  • Avalara: ItemCode

If the system sends Item, Product Code, or Nothing for the code, it is determined by Vrtx_parm.product_taxing.

If the product_code is not found on the item there is a default to non_inventory_item.

Labor and Miscellaneous send exempt codes based on vrtx_parm.fs_misc_ignore and vrtx_parm.fs_labor_ignore.

Project Operation sends product code based on vrtx_parm. use_sro_oper_prodcode.

  • CO Invoicing: item.product_code
  • Consolidated Invoicing: item.product_code
  • Price Adjustment Invoice: item.product_code
  • CO Order Entry: item.product_code
  • CO Estimate Entry: item.product_code
  • Replication Orders: item.product_code
  • AR Invoice: Hard Code “ARInvoice”
  • EDI Orders: item.product_code
  • Project: proj.product_code
  • Project Invoice: proj.product_code for proj_num from proj_inv_hdr
  • RMA: item.product_code
  • RMA Invoice: item.product_code
  • SRO/SRO Invoice:
    • Material: item.product_code
    • Labor: fs_sro_labor.work_code or SVC-LBR-EXEMPT
    • Miscellaneous: fs_sro_misc.misc_code or SVC-MSC-EXEMPT
    • Line Material: item.product_code
    • Project Operation: “SROProject” or fs_sro_oper.product_code
  • Contract/contract invoice:
    • Line: hardcode “CONTRACT”
    • Surcharge: hardcode “SURCHARGE”
    • Waiver: hardcode “WAIVER”
  • POS:
    • Material: item.product_code
    • Labor: posm_labor.work_code or hardcoded “SVC-LBR-EXEMPT”
    • Miscellaneous: posm_misc.misc_code or hardcoded “SVC-MSC-EXEMPT”
  • Vertex: Not Used
  • Avalara: Qty
The Quantity sent for a line is from the total of the tmp_tax_basis records for the order/invoice.
Line Amount
  • Vertex: ExtendedPrice
  • Avalara: Amount
The amount sent for a line is from the total of the tmp_tax_basis records for the order/invoice.
Line User Information
  • Vertex: Not Used
  • Avalara: Ref1

Line info is a string containing key fields for the order that is being processed.

  • CO Invoicing: inv_num,inv_seq,co_num, co_line, co_release
  • Consolidated Invoicing: inv_num,inv_seq,co_num, co_line, co_release
  • Price Adjustment Invoice: inv_num,inv_seq,co_num, co_line, co_release
  • CO Order Entry: co_num, co_line, co_release
  • CO Estimate Entry: co_num, co_line, co_release
  • Replication Orders: co_num, co_line, co_release
  • AR Invoice: cust_num, inv_num,inv_seq
  • EDI Orders: co_num, co_line, co_release
  • Project: proj.proj_num,inv_ms.inv_ms_num
  • Project Invoice: proj_inv_hdr.inv_num,proj_num,inv_seq,inv_ms.inv_ms_num
  • RMA: rma_num,rma_line
  • RMA Invoice: rma_num,rma_line
  • SRO: sro_num,sro_line,sro_oper,trans_num
  • SRO Invoice: inv_num,inv_line,sro_num,sro_line,sro_oper
  • Contract: contract,cont_line
  • Contract Invoice: inv_num,inv_line,inv_sub_line,seq
  • POS:
    • Material: posm_matl.ref_line,posm_num
    • Labor: posm_labor.posm_num,bill_code,trans_num
    • Miscellaneous: posm_misc.posm_num,bill_code,trans_num
Location Code
  • Vertex: Not Used
  • Avalara: Ref2

If the line value is null or blank, then the header value is used.

  • CO Invoicing: coitem.whse
  • Consolidated Invoicing: coitem.whse
  • Price Adjustment Invoice: coitem.whse
  • CO Order Entry: coitem.whse
  • CO Estimate Entry: coitem.whse
  • Replication Orders: coitem_all.whse
  • AR Invoice: header values
  • EDI Orders: edi_coitem.whse
  • Project: header values
  • Project Invoice: header values
  • RMA: header values
  • RMA Invoice: header values
  • SRO/SRO Invoice:
    • Material: fs_sro_matl.whse
    • Labor: fs_sro_labor.whse
    • Miscellaneous: fs_sro_labor.whse
    • Project Operation: fs_sro_oper.whse
    • Line Material: fs_sro_line_matl.whse
  • Contract/Contract Invoice: Header Values
  • POS:
    • Material: posm_matl.whse
    • Labor: posm_labor.whse
    • Miscellaneous: posm_misc.whse
  • Vertex: Not Used
  • Avalara: Description
  • CO Invoicing: coitem.description
  • Consolidated Invoicing: coitem.description
  • Price Adjustment Invoice: coitem.description
  • CO Order Entry: coitem.description
  • CO Estimate Entry: coitem.description
  • Replication Orders: coitem_all.description
  • AR Invoice: NULL
  • EDI Orders: NULL
  • Project: NULL
  • Project Invoice: NULL
  • RMA: rmaitem.description
  • RMA Invoice: rmaitem.description
  • SRO/SRO Invoice:
    • Material: fs_sro_matl.description
    • Labor: fs_work_code.description
    • Miscellaneous: fs_sro_misc.description
    • Line Material: fs_Sro_line_matl.description
    • Project Operation: fs_sro_oper.description
  • Contract/Contract Invoice:
    • Line: fs_tt_cont_billing.description
    • Surcharge: fs_tt_cont_surcharge.description
    • Waiver: fs_tt_cont_waiver.description
  • POS:
    • Material: item.description for posm_matl.item
    • Labor: fs_work_code.description for posm_labor.work_code
    • Miscellaneous: NULL