Taxware Enterprise setup

The Taxware Enterprise Webservice is a hosted solution, which means a copy of the Taxware Enterprise software is not installed on the local network. However, the interface between SyteLine and Taxware Enterprise must be installed and configured in order for Taxware Enterprise to communicate with SyteLine.

To install and configure the interface, follow these steps:

  1. Taxware requires additional security certificates and a .NET web service client app to be installed on the system. Work with Sovos support to set up and configure the Taxware Enterprise certificates on a web server that is visible to the SQL server. This server is likely to be your SyteLine application server.
  2. Use the SyteLine Single Version Installer to install the Application & Web role on the same server as the certificate. This process installs and configures the Tax Integration Service on that server. If the certificates were installed to a location other than the root of the C drive, edit the web.config file of the web service to point to the location of the configuration directory, as shown in this example:
    <add key="InputXmlFile" value="calculateDocumentRequest.xml"/>
    <add key="SmokeTestXMLFolder" value="SmokeTestXML"/>
    <add key="ConfigurationDirectory" value="C:\web_Services_.Net_client_V1.0.3\WebServicesNetClient\Configuration"/>
    <add key="Debug" value="true"/> 
    <add key="XMLLogging" value="true"/>
  3. Go to the folder for the Sovos .NET client and copy the Com.Taxware.Soapclient.dll file from there to the bin folder of the Tax Integration Service configured in step 2.
  4. Start SyteLine.
  5. Check the License Management form to verify that your license includes the TaxInterface module.
  6. Enable the TaxInterface module in the Optional Modules form.
  7. Open the Tax Interface Parameters form in the Tax Interface menu of the Explorer. On the General tab, specify this information:
    Tax System
    Specify Taxware Enterprise.
    Company Code
    Specify the code provided by Taxware for this site.
    Division Code
    This field is not used in Taxware Enterprise.

    For assistance with setting the remaining parameters, see Setting up a Taxware Enterprise Tax Interface in the online help.