Taxware setup

The Tax System Interface to the Taxware Sales & Use/WorldTax product uses databases that are accessed through Windows DLL function calls. Follow the instructions with your Taxware software to install both Sales & Use and WorldTax (if necessary), and Taxware’s UTL product on your server. The UTL product is required for accessing Taxware functions from other systems, such as this interface.

To begin using the interface, follow these steps:

  1. If you installed this interface for use with SyteLine, check the License Management form to verify that your license includes the TaxInterface module.
  2. Enable the TaxInterface module in the Optional Modules form.
  3. Set up the database server. The Taxware interface uses a set of DLL files that are supplied by Taxware. Run the Taxware client setup on the SQL database server to install these DLL files on the server. For more information, see the Taxware documentation.
  4. Configure parameters in the application. Open the Tax Interface Parameters form in the Tax Interface menu of the Explorer. Set these parameters:
    • On the General tab, set the Tax System to Taxware.
    • Specify the Company Code and Division Code that you use in the Taxware software.
    • For assistance with setting the remaining parameters, see Setting up a Taxware Tax Interface in the online help.