Mapping fields to Vertex O requests

This table describes Vertex O requests and the related mapping data, including the relevant SyteLine field or value.
Request type SyteLine field or value and mapping data
QuotationRequestType: This request is sent during order entry and invoicing. Header fields:
  • Document Number > DocumentNumber
  • Document Date > DocDate
  • 0 “SALE” > TransactionType
  • Currency Code > Currency.isoCurrencyCodeAlpha
  • Company Code > Seller.Company
  • Ship From Address > Seller.PhysicalOrigin
  • Customer Number > CustomerCode.Value
  • Ship To Address > Customer.Destination

Line fields:

  • Item/Product Code > Product.Value
  • Line amount > ExtendedPrice
  • True > ExtendedPriceSpecified
InvoiceRequestType: This request is sent during Post Register processing. Header fields:
  • Document Number > DocumentNumber
  • Document Date > DocDate
  • 0 “SALE” > TransactionType
  • Currency Code > Currency.isoCurrencyCodeAlpha
  • Ship From Address > Seller.PhysicalOrigin
  • Customer Number > CustomerCode.Value
  • Ship To Address > Customer.Destination

Line fields:

  • Item/Product Code > Product.Value
  • Line amount > ExtendedPrice
  • True > ExtendedPriceSpecified
TaxAreaRequestType: This request is sent directly from the customer/prospect to validate their address information.
  • City > Address.City
  • State > Address.MainDivision
  • Zip Code > Address.PostalCode
  • Country > Address.Country
  • Addr1 > Address.StreetAddress1
  • Addr2 > Address.StreetAddress2