EU sales listing

VAT-registered businesses in the European Union (EU) must provide details of goods and some services that are supplied to VAT-registered customers in other EU countries.

The European Sales List (ESL) is used by tax authorities to verify that businesses are using VAT correctly. The details are used to create anonymous statistics that show how goods are traded in the EU.

How Infor meets this requirement

You can print a paper version of the EU Sales List Report report directly from SyteLine. Generating this report also sends the LCLTradeStatistics BOD to ION, which uses Infor Localization Services components to convert the BOD data into the specific electronic format for Sweden (SE KVR EU Sales Reporting). The electronic file is then placed in an output folder so that you can send it electronically to the tax authority.

Application Setup or Actions
ION Desk If you are using the LSP version of the report, the planning worksheet lists the BODs and document flow needed for the EU Sales Listing, as well as the supported message format for this country. Use this information with the integration guide to set up the flow.

Some generic codes must be set up as part of the document flow in ION, so that they are included in the message. This is described in the integration guide.

ERP See the help topic about Setting Up Information for the EU Sales List Report.