Direct electronic sales invoicing

Electronic invoice solutions must include vendor inbox to customer inbox. Both parties must use the same software or standard format to exchange electronic messages. Alternatively, they can both use a third-party service provider.

Reliable audit trails are required for authenticity of origin, integrity of content, and legibility of invoices.

How Infor meets this requirement

Infor Localization Services Platform (LSP) collects sales invoicing information from master data and transactional BODs sent from SyteLine. A user then logs into the LSP application to generate an electronic sales invoice message in one of these supported formats:

  • SE Svefatura (SFTI Basic Invoice)
  • XC PEPPOL-UBL Sales Invoice
  • XC PEPPOL-UBL Credit Note

The sales invoice electronic message file is placed in a folder so that the user can send it on to the appropriate government agency.

Application Setup or Actions
ION Desk The planning worksheet lists the BODs and document flow needed for Direct Electronic Sales Invoicing. It also shows the supported proprietary message formats. Use this information with the integration guide to set up the flow.
ERP To generate the required BODs for this report in SyteLine, perform these actions:
  • Generate an AccountingEntity BOD for the site. This creates a subscription in LSP. See the help topic on Understanding the Replication Document Manual Request Utility.
  • Set up accounting periods. See the help topic About Accounting Periods.
  • Create at least one customer with a Sweden address. See the help topic Creating a Customer.
  • Create orders for Sweden customers, and then invoice the orders. See the help topic Order Entry Steps.
LSP After the BODs have been sent to LSP, you can generate either Svefaktura Basic Invoice or Public Procurement eInvoicing, as appropriate for the message. See the Infor Localization Services Platform User Guide.