About the Microsoft Outlook Add-in

This topic describes use of the Microsoft Outlook add-in.

With the Outlook Add-in installed and configured, you can create new incidents and events, or notes specific to an incident or event, from Outlook.

Outlook Add-in Permissions

Use this tab to control which aspects of the Outlook Add-in are enabled. The settings can be controlled at three different levels. A user-specific setting overrides a group-specific setting, which overrides the global setting. If no group or user-level settings is specified then the global settings will be used.

Use the group and user grids to specify permissions unique to a certain group or user.

Creating Incidents and Events from Email Messages

You can create incidents and events directly in Outlook messages using the Outlook Add-in. After installing and configuring the add-in, select the Incident interaction type on the Infor CloudSuite Interactions tab of the Add-in Options screen. You can set up additional features on the Service tab.

Available Features

This table describes the features included in the Microsoft Outlook Add-in.

Feature Description
My Work Click My Work to display a list of incidents owned by the Outlook user. On this form, you can log a note or drill down into the Incidents form within the back office.
New Incident Click New Incident to create an incident from an email. The New Incident check box is automatically selected on the email message.

This option is only available if an email is not already associated with an incident.

New Event Click New Event to create an event based on information from the active email. The New Event check box is automatically selected on the email message. You can select an existing incident or the event will create a new incident.

This option is only available if an email is not already associated with an incident.

New Note Notes can be associated with incidents through the creation of service events. When general information, such as a phone call, must be tracked, click New Note to add a note in the system. The note is tied to an event.

This option is only available if an email is not already associated with an incident.

Visibility (Task Panes) When you read an email in Outlook, related details, such as the customer name and notes, can be displayed in a reading pane. Outlook can access other records in the database associated with the Outlook user. In an environment with Named User licensing, Outlook users with a valid license can launch the appropriate maintenance form. In an environment with a usage-tracking license, Outlook users who have a SyteLine login and access permissions can use this feature. The form is filtered to show information for the current customer or item shown in Outlook.
Public Folder Copy for Exchange Users

When using Outlook with an Exchange server, emails can be copied to a public folder on the Exchange server to be stored for archival. You must select Enable Public Folder Copy on the Outlook Integration Parameters form.

Do Public Folder Copy: Specify this option only for companies running Exchange Server.

Incident: Specify the public folder name to where emails related to an incident will be copied.