Approving and Rejecting Registrations from the Portals

This topic describes using the Unit Registration Posting form for unit registrations from an Infor portal.

Users who subscribe to the PortalUnitRegistrationAlert publication in the back office receive notification when a new unit registration is submitted from the Customer or Reseller Portal.

Use the Unit Registration Posting form to approve and reject unit registrations submitted from the portal.

When the form is opened, all unposted registration entries from the portal are displayed in the upper grid. They are sorted by effective date in ascending order.

  • To change the grid to display only posted registrations, select Show Posted and filter the form.
  • To change the gird to display only rejected registrations, select Show Rejected and filter the form.

The bottom part of the form displays information specific to a selected record in the upper grid.

  • Current Registration: This section shows details of the customer and/or consumer for which the selected unit is currently registered. All information is display-only.
  • Registration Request: This section shows the information submitted by the portal user on the Unit Registration portal page. All information is display-only.
  • New Registration: This section shows details of the customer and/or consumer based on what you enter in the Customer, Customer Ship To, Consumer, and Consumer Ship To fields in the upper grid. The information in the New Registration section is display-only.
Note: Consumer information is provided only if the Use Separate Consumer check box is selected on the Service Parameters form.