Adding or Updating Information About a Unit Manually

You can add or update unit information automatically through utilities or through selections on the Service Parameters form. This topic describes how to add or update a unit manually through the Units form.

On the Units form, specify this information to describe a specific unit:

  1. In the header section, provide general information about the unit:
    Specify the unit ID.
    Select an item number from those defined on the Items form.
    Customer Item
    Optionally, select a customer item.
    The item description is displayed from the Items form but can be overwritten.
    Select the customer associated with the unit.
    Ship To
    The customer ship to location is displayed.
    Unit Status Code
    Select a status code to indicate the condition of the unit. These are maintained on the Unit Status Codes form.
    Last Meter Amount
    For new units, the last meter amount is set to zero. For existing units, the last meter reading amount is displayed.
    Last Meter Date
    For new units, the current date is displayed. For existing units, the last meter reading date is displayed.
    This field indicates whether any active warranty records exist for this unit. Warranty records are added to a unit or sub-component on the Unit Configurations form. An active warranty record has a starting date prior to the current date, and either no end date or one in the future.
    Originating Site
    Specify the location where the unit was originally built, if your system is multi-site.
  2. On the General tab, specify this information:
    Preventative Maint, Calibration, and Inspection
    Specify the last date that this type of work was done on the unit, and the next date that this type of work is scheduled to be performed on the unit.
    Full List Price and Sale Amount
    Specify the list price of the unit, and the price actually paid for this unit.
    Service Partner
    Specify the preferred partner to use for performing service on this unit.
    Priority Code
    Select a default priority code to use when this unit is added to an incident.

    For more information, see About Incident Escalation.

    Warehouse and Location
    Specify the warehouse and location of the unit.
    Available for Rental/Service
    Select these fields to indicate that the unit is available for rental or service. This field is informational only.
    Hold and Reason
    Select this field if the unit is currently on hold; that is, no maintenance is to be performed on the unit until the field is cleared. Then specify the reason for the hold.
    Install Date
    Specify the install date for the configuration. The value defaults to the current date but can be overwritten. This date is used by the As of Date calculation to determine what components are displayed.
    Ship Date
    Specify the date that the unit is shipped. If Create Unit On Shipment is selected in the Service Parameters form, this date is automatically updated to the shipment date when the unit is created during shipping.
    Specify the name of the manufacturer of the unit.
    Mfg #
    Specify the number assigned to the unit by the manufacturer.
    Specify the region that the unit is assigned to, as defined on the Service Regions form. On incidents or service orders where a unit is selected, the Region field defaults to the value specified here.
  3. On the Customer tab, specify the customer and consumer that currently owns or has possession of the unit. You can also record information about the original sales order to the customer.
  4. In the Maintenance tab, specify this information:
    Asset Number
    If the maintenance involves a fixed asset, select the number.
    Work Center
    Select the work center where the maintenance is performed.
    Select the resource upon which the maintenance is performed.
    Copy Maint Button
    Click this button to copy the item planned maintenance schedule to use for the unit maintenance schedule.
    Select this check box if the maintenance line is currently active.
    SRO Type
    Select the SRO type.
    Select the frequency of the production of the service order:
    • Every: Uses the duration fields to create an SRO at every interval.
    • Once: Creates an SRO one time.
    • Annually: Uses the month and day fields to create a service order on a specific date each year.
    These fields are enabled when the maintenance frequency is set to annual. Specify the month and day for the service.
    Date Duration
    Specify the length of time the maintenance requires. This value is used in conjunction with the Increment field to determine the calculation. This field is disabled when the frequency is set to annual.
    Specify an increment for the service order. This field is disabled when the frequency is set to annual.
    Lead Time
    Specify the length of time that is needed in order to prepare for the work to be performed on a maintenance SRO.
    Specify one of these increments:
    • Days
    • Months
    • Years
    • Meter
    Start Date
    Select a date for the beginning of maintenance.
    Meter Amount
    The amount of miles, impressions, clicks, and so on that have been recorded for a specific unit is displayed. This value may be used to determine if a unit is currently under warranty.
    Select the SRO.
    SRO Line
    Select the SRO line.
    Last SRO Num
    The last service order that was generated for the maintenance line is displayed.
    Shift ID
    Select a valid shift. The resource will be available for work during the intervals specified on this shift.

    You can set up shift intervals on the Scheduling Shifts form.

    Start Time
    Specify the start time for the current record.
    Down Time
    Specify the number of days needed to perform maintenance work. This information is used with scheduling equipment in a plant maintenance scenario to ensure that work is not performed while the equipment is unavailable.
    Schedule Basis
    Select whether maintenance service orders are generated based on the end date, close date, or maintenance date of the last SRO.
    Schedule Future
    Select this check box to create maintenance service orders based on the frequency selected and regardless of any prior SROs that are open in the system for the selected maintenance line.
  5. Use the Service History tab to view information about the unit's service history. Select a record and click View to display the Service Order Lines form for that record.
  6. Use the Incidents tab to view information about incidents involving this unit. Select a record and click View to display the Incidents form for that record.
  7. Use the Owner History tab to view information about the owner of the unit.
  8. Use the Status History tab to track updates that were added for the unit status code. Records can be appended either manually through the Units form or remotely through the Service Mobile module. By default, the grid records are sorted by date column, with the most recent record at the top of the list.
    The date and time of the unit status change are displayed.
    The unit status code is displayed.
    The partner who performed the unit status change is displayed.
    Source Type
    The source of the unit status update is displayed. Options are SRO, Incident, and Unit.
    For the unit source type, this field is blank.
  9. Use the Meter History tab to track updates that were made to the unit meter amount. Records can be added to this grid in several ways: manually on this tab, through triggers on the meter amount field on the Incidents, Service Order Lines, and Units form, or remotely from the Service Mobile application.

    By default, the grid records are sorted by date column, with the most recent record at the top of the list.

    The date that the meter amount was recorded is displayed.
    Meter Reading
    The amount of miles, impressions, clicks, and so on that have been recorded for a specific unit is displayed. This value may be used to determine if a unit is currently under warranty.
    The partner who performs the meter reading and enters the updated amount is displayed.
    Source Type
    The source of the meter update is displayed. Options are SRO, incident, or unit.
    For the unit source type, this field is blank.
  10. Save the record.

Use these buttons on the form as described here:

  • Click Unit Configuration to view details about the selected unit on the Unit Configurations form.
  • Click Incidents to view information about incidents related to the selected unit on the Incidents form.
  • Click Service Order Lines to view lines that include the selected unit on the Service Order Lines form.
  • Click Contract Lines to view lines that include the selected unit on the Service Contract Lines form.