Shipping Parts Associated with a SRO

You can create packing slips from posted and unposted transactions for shipping service orders. Follow these steps to generate a packing slip and complete the shipping process for a service order:

  1. Launch the Service Order Packing Slip Generation form to create new pre-ship or post-ship packing slips.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select the warehouse code for the SRO.
    Pack Date
    Select the date to print on the Order Packing Slip. The current system date is the default value.
    All Ship Tos
    Select this check box to generate packing slips for all SROs. Clear this check box to generate packing slips for a specific Ship To location.
    Select the SRO to include on the packing slip.
    The number assigned to the SRO line is displayed.
    The operation number associated with the SRO line is displayed.
    Select this check box to show the unposted customer shipment transactions for the SRO.
    Select this check box to show the posted customer shipment transactions for the selected SRO.
  3. Click Process to generate the packing slip.
  4. Click Process/Print to generate the packing slip and launch the Service Order Packing Slip form.
  5. On the Service Order Packing Slip form, specify this information to preview or print the packing slip report:
    Pack Slip
    Select a range of packing slip numbers to include.
    Pack Date
    Select a range of dates to include only packing slips that fall within that range.
    Specify the range of order lines to include.
    Select the range of customers to include for the report.
    Print Options
    Select the options to print on the report.
  6. Click Preview to preview the results before printing.
  7. Click Print to print the report.
  8. Launch the Service Order Packing Slip Maintenance form to ship the packing slip. Specify this information:
    Packing Slip
    Select the system-generated packing slip number.
    Add Button
    Click this button to create a new packing slip using the Packing Slip Generation form.
    Select the warehouse code for the SRO.
    Pack Date
    Select date to print on the Order Packing Slip. The current system date is the default value.
    Select a customer.
    Drop Ship
    See Drop Ship.
    Drop Sequence
    Specify the drop-ship sequence number, if any.
    Specify the value of the total weight for the line items on the Order Packing Slip.
    Ship Via
    The ship via code associated with the Ship Via description is displayed. The default value displays from the Order header but can be overwritten.
    # Packages
    Specify the number of packages that will appear on the packing slip.
    Document Number
    Specify the document number, if any.
    Print Button
    Click this button to print the report.
    Pick List Button
    Click this button to launch the Service Order Picklist Report form.
    Add Lines Button
    Click this button to add the line to the packing slip via Packing Slip Generation.
    Serial Button
    Click this button to launch the Service Serials modal form. This form can be used to view or generate serial numbers for the associated item.
  9. Use these buttons to ship or un-ship the packing slip:
    Ship Line Button
    Click this button to ship the currently selected line.
    Un-Ship Line Button
    Click this button to un-ship the currently selected line.
    Ship All Button
    Click this button to ship all order lines.
    Un-Ship All Button
    Click this button to un-ship all order lines.