Processing a Warranty Claim

Follow these steps to process a warranty claim performed by a partner employed by the manufacturer:

  1. Open the Service Orders form.
  2. Click New to create a new SRO.
  3. In the SRO Type field, select Warranty. The Product Code and Billing Code associated to the warranty SRO type are used.
  4. On the Customer tab, select the Customer who has requested the work. The Billing Manager, Salesperson, Terms Code, Price Code, and tax information associated to the customer are populated.
  5. Follow the steps in Adding and Updating a Service Order to specify any additional information.
  6. On the Lines/Operations tab, click Transactions to open the Service Order Transactions form.

    Follow the steps in Adding Service Order Transactions to enter all the transactions that were used on the warranty claim.

    In the Partner ID field, select a partner with the Reimburse Material and Reimburse Labor check boxes cleared.

  7. On the Service Orders form, verify that the new operation has a status of Invoice. If it is not set to Invoice, click Update.
  8. On the Billing tab, click Orders To Be Invoiced Report.

    Follow the steps in Running the Order To Be Invoiced Report for the new SRO.

  9. On the Billing tab of the Service Orders form, click Order Invoicing to open the Order Invoicing form.
After invoicing the SRO, an A/R invoice record is posted.