Drop Shipments for SROs

Material related to service work can be shipped to a different destination than the customer location associated to the service order. This provides flexibility for a technician to specify where they would like each part to be shipped.

Even though a customer or consumer has requested service, the material needed to fulfill the request may need to be shipped to a unique address. Use the Drop Ship Type and Drop Ship Number/Sequence with the SRO structure when using an alternative address.

When the Drop Ship value is assigned at the SRO header, all line and material transactions are sent to the Drop Ship Location, unless the Drop Ship Location is overridden at the transaction level.

Drop Shipment Configuration

The Drop Ship location for a Service Request Order (SRO) can be set at two levels:

  • Entire Service Order: If the material on the entire SRO is to be sent to a location other than the customer ship to, specify the drop ship on the SRO Header. Use the Drop Ship fields on the Service Orders form to quickly filter. Click Drop Ship on the Customer tab to launch the Service Order Drop Ship To modal form and display the full Drop Ship address.
  • Transaction Specific: You can configure individual transactions to have the material shipped to a location different from the rest of the service order. The Drop Ship fields are displayed in the grid of line and material transactions. Click Drop Ship to launch the Service Order Drop Ship To modal form to display the full Drop Ship address.

Drop Shipment Supported Types

You can store company address information in numerous areas of the system. Use the SRO Drop Shipment functionality to specify multiple location types:

  • Customer: The Customer master numbers and sequences are provided as valid shipping destinations.
  • Consumer: If the system is configured to use separate consumers, you can select the consumer number and sequence (otherwise the customer list is displayed).
  • Partner: The address of the employee, vendor, or customer associated to the partner is used as the shipping destination.
  • Drop Ship To: Generic shipping locations can be entered and saved on the Service Order Drop Ship To form. This option allows selection of the shipping destination from that list.

SRO Shipment Listing

Use the report options to specify the address to print on the paperwork. Choose from the customer of the order, the consumer, or the drop ship location.

SRO Packing Slip

Use the Service Order Packing Slip Generation utility to process and print packing slips by specific Drop Ship type and location. The Service Order Packing Slip Maintenance form shows the full address of the Drop Ship location when it exists. The Service Order Packing Slip report shows the appropriate shipment address, using a page break between different packing slip destinations.

Service Console

The Drop Ship type and numbers are displayed in the SRO and Transaction areas of the Console when the Drop Ship Type has a value other than None.

Service Order Template

The Drop Ship type and numbers have been added to set up service order templates specific to a drop ship destination.


For customers who use the Mobile Service solution and want to enable Drop Ship functionality, RSM UETs can be configured to store and pass these values.