Quick SRO Create: Copying SRO Information from an Existing SRO

You can quickly specify a simple list of information to create a Service Request Order or copy it from an existing SRO or template. The system then builds the SRO structure from the specified template, unit, and customer.

Use the Service Order Quick Create form, accessed from a button on the Service Orders or Service Console forms, to do this.

  1. On the "Copy To" side of the Service Order Quick Create form, specify the Customer Number, Ship To, and Unit Substitute fields to quickly create an SRO structure. Then click OK to display the new SRO in the Service Orders form.
  2. Specify this information about the SRO or template you are copying from, in the Copy From area of the form:
    Copy From SRO
    Select the SRO to copy to make the new SRO.
    Only Show Templates
    Select this check box to limit the selections available to only include SRO templates.
    Keep Line Numbers
    Select this check box to create the line numbers as they appear on the SRO from which they are copied. The line numbers will not be re-sequenced. Clear this check box to re-sequence the line numbers, starting with the number one and incrementing by one.
    Keep Operation Numbers
    When the maintenance is set up on the Units form, a SRO template is selected for creating the service order. Select this check box to use the operation numbers as they appear on the SRO template. Clear this check box to re-sequence the numbers to the standard operation sequencing of 10, 20, 30, and so on.
    Use SRO Whse

    Select this check box to assign the value from the new service order (General tab, Warehouse field) to the operation(s) and any transaction(s) being copied. This replaces the warehouse value as it was set on the original operation or transaction. If this check box is cleared, then the warehouse value of the operation and transaction keeps the value from the original SRO.

    Auto Schedule Resource
    Select this check box to automatically create an appointment for the SRO. The appointment is displayed in the grid section of the Schedules tab on the Service Orders form when this functionality is enabled.
    Available Operations Grid
    This grid shows the operations associated with the selected SRO that are available for inclusion in the copy or creation utility. Use the arrow buttons for moving operations between this area and the Operations to Include area.
    Copy Transactions From
    Select which transactions to copy from the selected SRO operations. Valid options are:
    • Planned: Copy the planned transactions from the source SRO.
    • Actual: Copy the actual transactions from the source SRO to planned transactions of the target SRO.
    • None: Do not copy any transaction from the source SRO.
    Copy Line Transactions
    Select this check box to copy the line transactions.
  3. Use the arrow buttons to move specific lines or operations back and forth between the From area to the To area.
    Note: When you copy across database sites, all lines and operations are copied. You cannot select specific lines or operations.
  4. Specify this information about the SRO you are copying to, in the Copy To area of the form:
    Select a customer for the new SRO.
    Ship To
    Select a customer ship to location. If the field is left blank, the zero ship to location is the default value.
    Start Date
    The date specified is assigned to the SRO and Operation Start Date/Time. If the Automatic Resource Scheduling functionality is turned on, this value is also used as the start date/time of the scheduled appointment. The Start Date will default to the current system date and time, and will be pushed out by the lead time (if specified) of the SRO type.
    Lead Partner
    Select the lead partner for the SRO.
    Unit Substitute
    Select a unit to replace the one being copied from the selected SRO line.
    Item Substitute
    Select an item to replace the one being copied from the selected SRO line.
    Specify the number or amount of units/items to use on the transaction, order, etc.
    Select the unit of measure for the item.
    Show All Operations
    This check box works in conjunction with the item substitute fields on the form. If one of those fields is specified, the utility only shows operations that match the item selected. But if this check box is selected, then the matching functionality is overridden and all the operations from the selected SRO are displayed.
    Operations To Include Grid
    This grid shows the operations associated with the SRO that are available for inclusion in the copy or creation utility.
    Copy Transactions To
    Select which transaction type to create on the new service order. Valid options are:
    • Planned: The transactions from the source SRO are created as planned transactions on the new SRO.
    • Actual: The transactions from the source SRO are created as actual transactions on the new SRO.
    • None: Do not copy any transaction from the source SRO to the newly created SRO.
    Comp Item Substitute
    Select an item to replace the item on the material transaction of the operation being copied from the existing SRO.
    Comp Qty
    Specify the number or amount of units/items to be used on transaction, order, etc.
  5. Click OK to save the changes and create the new SRO, or click Cancel to cancel the process.

Click Copy Lines on the Service Orders form to open the Service Order Quick Create form and quickly copy a line from the displayed SRO to another SRO.