Setting Up Service Order Types

A service order can be categorized using service order types, for example, Installation, Exchange, Rework, Standard Service, etc.

  1. Launch the Service Order Types form.
  2. Specify this information:
    SRO Type and Description
    Specify the service order type and description.
    Product Code
    Specify a product code to use for this service order type. The product code lists all of the General Ledger accounts that are used for posting Material, Labor, and Miscellaneous expenses to a service order. The product code also lists the accounts that are used by SRO Invoicing for posting Cost of Goods Sold and revenue amounts.
    Specify the warehouse to use for this service order type. Warehouses are set up on the Warehouses form.
  3. Specify the Billing Code and Billing Type.

    See Billing Code.

    The billing type determines the total price for a service request order. Specify the billing type at the line or operation level of the service order. A default value for billing type can be set on the Service Parameters form. Select one of these options:

    • Calculated/Time and Material: Add all Material, Labor, and Miscellaneous items issued to calculate the price.
    • Project/Fixed: Price is based on a manually entered, fixed amount.
  4. Specify whether the Labor, Material, and Miscellaneous Accounts are assigned at the operation or transaction level.
  5. Specify the Discount Percentage to be given if payment is made by the discount date.
  6. Specify the number of Exchange Days. This value is used with the transaction exchange date to determine the expected service completion date.
  7. Specify the Lead Time. This value determines what length of time is needed in order to prepare for the work to be performed on a maintenance service order. When a service order is generated using the Automatic SRO utilities, the Start Date field on the General tab of the created service order is affected by this value. The start date is calculated as the open date minus the specified lead time.
    Note:  The generation routine calculates length of time using the combination of the Lead Time and Lead Time Type fields.
  8. Specify this information:
    Accumulate WIP
    Select this option if costs issued to the service order are stored in WIP accounts. Otherwise, costs are posted directly to cost of goods (COGS) accounts.
    Include Demand
    Select this option if the material used for the service order is considered in inventory calculations. This applies to actual, planned, and line material transactions at time of posting. These material transaction types are considered in the calculation:
    • Inventory Issue
    • Exchange Shipment
    • Customer Shipment
  9. Save the record.