Setting Up Service Product Codes and Distribution Accounts

Use the Service Product Codes form to create SRO product codes and set distribution accounts.

  1. Launch the Service Product Codes form.
    Note:  The fields on this form  maintain General Ledger account numbers. The account numbers you enter must be valid account numbers in the Chart of Accounts.
  2. In the header section, specify this information:
    Product Code
    Specify a code to use to identify the group of items for which you want to display information.
    Product Code Description
    Specify a description for the new product code.
  3. Set the accounts to which you want to assign costs for Work In Process, for a group of items identified by a product code. The system uses these account numbers during job material transactions, job labor transactions, and on entering a job into stock upon completion.
  4. Specify this information:
    WIP Material Account
    Select the account to use for posting work in process material for the product code.
    WIP Labor Account
    Select the account to use for posting Work In Process Labor for the product code.
    WIP Fovhd Account
    Select the account to use for posting Work in Process Fixed Overhead for the current product code.
    WIP Vovhd Account
    Select the account to use for posting Work in Process Variable Overhead for the current product code.
    WIP Outside Account
    Select the account to use for posting work in process outside services for the current product code.
  5. Save the new record.