Setting Schedule Parameters

  1. Launch the Service Schedule Parameters form.
  2. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Assign Lead Partner
    Select this check box to assign the partner dispatched on an appointment as the lead partner of the SRO.
    Dispatch Event Code
    Select the code to use with an event when an appointment is linked to an incident.
    Partner Start Address
    Select the address to determine the starting point when plotting a route on the Map form..
    Partner End Address
    Select the address to determine the ending point when plotting a route on the Map form.
    Default Scheduling Method
    Select the method to use when entering a new appointment: Single-Day or Multi-Day.

    For more information, see Scheduling Method.

  3. Specify this information related to the Scheduling Board:
    Display for Partner
    Select the method to use to display partner information.
    Header Date Format
    Select the format to use to display the date when the view mode is set to Partner/Days, Work Week, or Partner Day/Time.

    For details regarding the syntax for a custom format, see Setting the Header Date Formats.

  4. In the Dispatch Order section, specify the order of selection using the Field Order column and Required check boxes. You can mark each field as required if blank values are excluded.
  5. On the Email tab, specify this information for appointment notifications:
    Email Type
    Select the type of email to use.
    Email Server
    Specify the server to use with the email.
    Email Template
    Specify a template to use for the email. Use the pound symbol (#) before and after the field property name to substitute values from the screen. Follow this example for the email template:

    Partner ID: #PartnerID# (#PartnerName#)

    Has been assigned to #RefType# #RefNum#: #Description#

    Appointment is scheduled for #ApptStartDate#

  6. Save the parameters.