Running the Partner Schedule Report

Use the Partner Schedule Report to preview or print a partner schedule. Follow these steps to run the report:

  1. Open the Partner Schedule Report.
  2. For these fields, select the range of values to include in the report:
    • Schedule Date
    • Partner ID
    • Incident
    • SRO
  3. For the Schedule Date, select Increment Date, if appropriate.
  4. Select the information to include in the report:
    • Schedule Detail
    • Customer Detail
    • Schedule Notes
    • Print Internal Notes
    • Print External Notes
    • Display Report Header
  5. Select the reference type for the appointments to include in the output:
    • Misc
    • SRO
    • Incident
  6. Select whether to sort the output order by partner or by date.
  7. Select Page Break By Section to use page breaks between like record types on the output.
  8. Click Preview to preview the results before printing.
  9. Click Print to generate and print the report.