Adding an Initial Request for Service (Incident)

A Service Support Representative (SSR) can receive a request for service as a phone call, fax, or email. The request is entered on the Incidents form. The incident is the starting point for all service calls.

First, you must determine if the customer is calling about an existing incident, or if a new incident must be created. If a new incident is created, record all of the information needed to resolve the issue into the Incidents form:

  • Customer information: Name, address, phone, fax, email, and any other relevant contact information, in case additional information is needed later.
  • Unit information: The serial number and item number of the part that needs to be serviced.
  • Reason codes: Codes that identify the reason for the incident. These codes are broken down into specific codes to help you route the incident to the proper resources.
  • Incident priority and status codes: Codes that record the severity of the incident and its current status.
Note:  Alternatively, you can quickly add an incident using the Incident Quick Create form.

To add an incident, specify this information on the Incidents form:

  1. Specify this information in the header area:
    The unique alphanumeric identification of an Incident is displayed. If this field is left blank when entering a new incident, the system automatically generates the next available number. A default prefix can also be added to the incident number by assigning a value to the Incident Prefix field on the Call Center tab of the Service Parameters form.
    Select the date and time that the incident was logged. The date and time when a new incident is started is the default value.
    Specify a brief summary of the reason why an incident is being created.
    SSR is an abbreviation for Service Support Representative. The SSR is the call center or support person that logs the incident. The default value is based on the user id of the person logged on to the system.
    SSR Site
    In a multi-site environment, this indicates the location at which the SSR is opening the incident.
    Select the partner identification responsible for the Incident, Event, SRO, etc.
    Owner Site
    Select the location of the owner in a multi-site environment.
    Awaiting Parts
    Select this check box if the Incident or SRO is dependent on material that is yet to be received. Whether this field is enabled or disabled to the user is controlled by the Parts Fulfillment mode assigned at the Service Parameters level.

    Select this field to indicate that this is not the first incident logged in an attempt to resolve the customer issue. Use the Prior Incident field to link the new incident to its predecessor. The Callback field is set automatically when an incident is created with the Generate Callback button.

  2. Select the customer, ship to, and contact information in the header or in the Address tab.
  3. Specify this information about the customer:
    • Customer number and ship to address and, optionally, the consumer number and ship-to address. If the ship-to address is blank, the zero ship-to address is used. Specify the consumer if the end user of the equipment is not the same as the customer.
    • Contact information: phone and fax numbers and email address.
  4. Specify this information in the Unit tab:
    Note:  The unit is the item or material that needs to be serviced. Specifying a unit and/or item on an incident is not required, if the information is not known at the time of the call.
    A unit is a complete material composition, including all subcomponents, replacement parts, and/or add-ons. Each unit is identified with a unique alphanumeric ID. This ID can be the serial number of the unit, but it does not have to be the serial number. If it is a serial number, that number does not have to exist in the Serial Numbers form. This allows you to service units that you did not manufacture.
    The item number is displayed.
    Customer Item
    Select the customer item. These are maintained on the Customer Item Cross References form.
    Specify the number or amount of units/items to be used on transaction, order, and so on.
    Select the abbreviation for the unit of measure used to quantify the number of units or items.
    Meter Date
    Specify the date that the meter amount was recorded.
    Meter Amount
    Specify the amount of miles, impressions, clicks, and so on that have been recorded for a specific unit. This value may be used to determine if a unit is currently under warranty. A record is automatically appended to the Meter History tab of the Units form.
    Find Unit Button
    Click this button to launch the Unit Configuration Search form.
    View Unit
    Click this button to launch the Units form to display the details of the selected unit.
    View Configuration
    Click this button to launch the Unit Configurations form to display details of the unit selected.
  5. Specify this information in the Status tab:
    Prior Incident
    Select a past incident to associate with the current incident. Click View to show the prior incident.
    Click this button to launch the Incidents form filtered for the current record.
    To Be Scheduled
    Select this check box to indicate that the current incident or SRO is to be included in the scheduling process for partner assignment. If selected, the incident or SRO is displayed on the Calendar Scheduling form when you do select a task and click All To Be Scheduled. If cleared, the incident or SRO can still be manually scheduled but is not automatically displayed on the Calendar Scheduling form.
    Priority Code
    The priority code for the incident is displayed. This value is set on the Service Parameters form.
    Note: Be careful when you specify a priority code in a time zone other than the one where the incident will be serviced. The default followup, warning, and due dates/times might need to be adjusted manually.
    Status Code
    Select the status code, which denotes the current condition of the incident. The default value is set on the Service Parameters form.

    When appropriate, click History to launch the Incident Status History form.

    Close Date
    The date and time that the incident was closed is displayed. The value is automatically stamped on the incident when the status is changed to closed and the change is saved.
    Awaiting Parts
    Select this check box is the Incident or SRO is dependent on material that is yet to be received. Whether this field is enabled or disabled to the user is controlled by the Parts Fulfillment mode assigned at the Service Parameters level.
    Follow-up Date

    Select the calendar date and time when follow-up should be performed on the incident. The Incident Date/Time value is used when a new incident is created by adding the Time Until Follow-up value of the priority code.

    Follow-up Complete
    Select this check box to signify follow-up action has been performed. The Incident Escalation does not run Escalation Tasks of follow up basis when this box is selected.
    Warning Date
    Select a date and time to indicate that the incident is nearing the due date.
    Due Date
    Select the calendar date and time when the incident is due.
    Calculate Button

    Click this button to update the Duration fields on the Status tab of the incident. The calculation is based on the values set for duration and unit on the Service Reasons form. When any service reasons are then associated with the incident on the Reasons tab, the calculation routine takes the values into account.

    The sum of the total time remaining for work to be performed on the incident is displayed. The values are calculated using the duration and unit fields from the Service Reasons form for any reason codes assigned to the incident.
    Estimated Time Remaining
    Specify the estimated time remaining for work to be performed.
    Select a region for the incident. Regions are used to group incidents by territory so that partners can be assigned using service scheduling.
    Remote ID
    If the incident was created remotely, the ID is displayed.
    Kbase ID
    The unique identifier of the knowledge base record is displayed.

    If a Kbase ID is specified, click View, or, if an ID is not specified, click Create, to launch the Knowledge Base form.

    Destination Type
    Select the type of record to cross-reference. The three ID fields can be used to specify existing records. If left blank, the system creates a new record of the reference type specified when the cross-reference is performed.
    Destination Button
    Click this button to perform a cross reference. If the values for the three reference fields are blank, the system sets them. If the three fields have been populated, the system accesses the appropriate form based on the source/destination type selected.
    Note: For Cross Site SRO functionality the "SSSFS Global Incidents" replication category must be configured.
    Select the location the user is referencing in a multi-site environment.
    Schedule Button
    Click this button to launch the Service Scheduler.
    Dispatch Button
    Click this button to launch the Service Schedule Dispatch form.
  6. Specify this information in the Notes tab:
    Specify a brief summary of the note record. The subject grid shows all the existing note records for the incident. Clicking the left side of the grid area below any existing note adds the next sequence number and allows for entry of an additional note record defaulting with the information described above.
    Specify any notes pertaining to the currently selected record.
    Details Button
    Click this button to launch the Notes form to create, delete, or edit note records.
  7. Specify this information in the Reasons tab:
    General Reason
    Select the general code to represent why the incident is being logged. The general reason codes are maintained through the Service Reasons form.
    Specific Reason
    Select the specific code to represent why the incident is being logged. The specific reason codes are maintained on the Service Reasons form.
    General Resolution
    Select the general code to represent why the incident is being closed. The general resolution codes are maintained through the Service Resolutions form.
    Specific Resolution
    Select the specific code to represent why the incident is being closed. The specific resolution codes are maintained through the Service Resolutions form.
    Reason Notes
    Specify any additional explanations of service or incident reasons.
    Resolution Notes
    Specify any additional explanation for service resolutions.
    General Activities Button
    Click this button to launch a form to show or record actions that have been or need to be taken to resolve the incident.
    Specific Activities Button
    Click this button to launch a form to show or record actions that have been or need to be taken to resolve the incident or service order.
  8. Specify this information in the Events tab:
    Event Date
    The date and time that the event was recorded is displayed.
    Event Code
    Select the type of event that occurred. These options are set up and maintained through the Incident Event Codes form.
    Select the location of the owner in a multi-site environment.
    The number of the incident event is displayed. The sequence is assigned based on the order in which the event is entered rather than on the event date.
    Select the partner identification responsible for the Incident, Event, SRO, etc.
    The partner number is displayed.
    Accept Date
    Select the date and time that a partner acknowledges an event dispatch request.
    Dispatch Date
    Specify the date and time that a partner schedule is updated with the event dispatch request.
    Plan Arrival Date
    Select the date and time that a partner has scheduled to perform an event request.
    Start Call Time
    Select the date and time that the incident event began. Click Start to refresh the value shown to the current system time.
    End Call Time
    The date and time that the incident event finished is displayed. Click End to refresh the value shown to the current system time.
    Follow-up Date

    Select the calendar date and time when follow-up should be performed on the incident. The Incident Date/Time value is used when a new incident is created by adding the Time Until Follow-up value of the priority code.

    Specify the name of the contact person.
    Specify the primary phone number for the contact.
    Destination/Reference Type
    Select the type of record to cross-reference. The three ID fields can be used to specify existing records. If left blank the system creates a new record of the destination type specified when the cross reference is performed.
    Destination/X-Ref Button
    Click this button to perform a cross reference. If the values for the three reference fields are blank, the system sets them. If the three fields have been populated, the system accesses the appropriate form based on the source/destination type selected.
    Note: For Cross Site SRO functionality the "SSSFS Global Incidents" replication category must be configured.
    Select the location the user is referencing in a multi-site environment.
    Activities Button
    Click this button to launch a form where you record information related to the specific incident event.
  9. In the Escalation tab, the grid displays all escalation tasks that qualify for this incident. The Active column indicates whether the escalation task is configured to fire for this incident.

Use these buttons on the form as described here:

  • Click Escalation Tasks (either in the main form or in the Escalation tab) to open the Escalation Tasks form where you can define additional tasks.
  • Click Escalation Log (either in the main form or in the Escalation tab) to view the log of all escalations for this incident.
  • Click Service Orders to create an SRO based on this incident.
  • Click Reason/Resolution Search to search for the resolution to similar incidents, or to find existing incidents for this customer or type of unit.
  • Click Knowledge Base Search to search the knowledge base for information regarding this incident, unit or customer.
  • Click Signatures to display any captured electronic signatures related to the incident.
  • Click Schedule to schedule an appointment with a partner.
  • Click Dispatch to launch the Service Schedule Dispatch form with the Reference values populated from the incident.