Changing the company logo

You can change the graphics image used for the company logo in the app. You must perform most of these steps in the back office system.

Note: To be able to change the logo for all system users, you must have Site Developer editing permissions and be logged in using a Site Developer user login.
  1. Use Form Control to check out the company-logo.jpg image object.
    Note: This step is required only if you are using source control and have Enforce Strict Locking of Forms and Global Objects selected on the Design Time tab of the User Preferences dialog box. Otherwise, you can skip to Step 2.
    1. Open Form Control and select the Global Objects tab.
    2. Under Selection Criteria, select Image.
    3. From the Master object name drop-down list, select the object named company-logo.jpg.
    4. Verify that the Check out option is selected.
    5. Click Execute Action.
    6. When prompted to confirm check-out, click OK.
    7. Close Form Control.
  2. With no form open, go into Design Mode.
  3. When prompted, select one of these options:
    • Site Default to set the image for all users.
    • Group or Group Name to set the image for a specific group.
    • User or Username to set the image for a single user.
  4. From the Edit menu, select Image.
  5. In the Images dialog box, select the graphic named company-logo.jpg.
  6. Click Import.
  7. Use the Get image for company-logo.jpg dialog box to navigate to and select the graphics file to use for the company logo.
    Note: The graphics file you select need not be a JPG-formatted file. It can be any type of graphics image supported by Mongoose.
  8. In Form Control, check the company-logo.jpg image object back in:
    Note: This step is required only if you performed Step 1.
    1. Open Form Control and select the My Checked Out Objects tab.
    2. Click Display List.
    3. In the list of Checked Out Objects, locate and select the company-logo.jpg object.
    4. Verify that the Check in option is selected.
    5. Click Execute Action.
    6. When prompted, to confirm check-in, click OK.
After changing the image in the back office, it is automatically synchronized with the app. If you are replacing an existing image, including the vendor level Infor image, you must tap Refresh on the Settings page in the app to update the image after the next synchronization.

In some cases, you might need to sign out complete and sign back in to see your changes.

This hierarchy is used for displaying images:

  • Images created at site level are displayed for all users.
  • Images created at the group level are displayed for all users who have that group set as their primary group. Other users will see the site level image.
  • Images created at the user level are displayed for that user. All others will see the group or site level images.