Adding a linked child form

Follow these steps to link a child form to a parent form.

  1. Open the Mobile Extensions form.
  2. In the Data Source field, select the IDO for which you want to link a child form.
  3. Specify this information on the Child Data Sources tab:
    Data Source
    Select a child data source to link to the IDO (parent data source) that you selected in Step 2.
    Property Name
    Select the property that you want to use to link to the parent. This property must be specified on the Fields tab of the selected data source record.
    Parent Property Name
    Select the property on the parent data source that links to the child property selected in Property Name. This parent property must be specified on the Fields tab of the selected parent data source.
  4. Save the record.
In the app, on the Detail form, you can now tap the vertical ellipsis button to open the child form. Use the child form to drill into linked data.