Resource group functions

Function Description
seadsl Add a resource to selection list.
sealrg Allocate a resource from a resource group to a load.
secqrg Cancel a request for a resource group to a load.
sedfgs Install a resource group member selection function.
sefdrg Find a resource group.
sefmrg Free list of members to allocate.
sefrrg Free a number of units of a resource group for a load.
sermsl Remove a resource from selection list.
serqrg Request a number of units of a resource group for a load.
sergms Select a member from a resource group for a load (called from a member selection rule).
seslrg Select a member from a resource group for a load (called from an allocation rule).
siadrf Add a resource group reference to a operation.
rgavqlen Average queue length for a resource group.
rgavqtim Average waiting time for a resource group.
rgblock Current number of blocked resources in a resource group.
rgbusy Current number of busy resources in a resource group.
rgcrblck Current resource group blocked time proportion.
rgcrbusy Current resource group busy time proportion.
rgcridle Current resource group idle time proportion.
rgcroff Current resource group off-shift time proportion.
rgcrset Current resource group setup time proportion.
rgcurqln Current queue length for a resource group.
rgidle Current number of idle resources in a resource group.
rgoff Current number of off-shift resources in a resource group.
rgonblck Current resource group on-shift blocked time proportion.
rgonbusy Current resource group on-shift busy time proportion.
rgonidle Current resource group on-shift idle time proportion.
rgonset Current resource group on-shift setup time proportion.
rgsetup Current number of setup resources in a resource group.