Load functions

Function Description
seajld Adjust the accumulators and resource counts for a load.
seacsq Turn on the sequencing rule for a request list.
secmds Compute dynamic slack for a load.
secrcl Create resource capacity list for a load.
secrwcl Create WIP capacity list for a load.
sedfrk Install a load ranking function.
sefdil Find an in-process load.
sefdrq Find a request matching a given load in a given list
selork Return the ranking of a load.
semcmp Check a load for exceeding the maximum overrun for a resource.
semvld Move some or all of the possessions of a load to another load.
senwld Create a load.
sermot Compute the number of remaining operations and run time for a load.
setmld Terminate a load.
setosq Turn off the sequencing rule for a request list.
batchid Batch ID if batch load.
batchnam Batch name if member of batch
jobarriv Specific load arrival time at operation.
jobstart Specific load start time at operation.
jsname Specific load current operation.
ldduedate Specific load due date
ldinsys Number of loads in the system.
ldlngjstep Specific load’s longest remaining operation
ldoptime Specific load’s operation time at operation
ldordnmld Specific load’s order’s number of load
ldordsize Specific load’s order size
ldprior Specific load priority
ldprtime Specific load’s run time at operation
ldqutime Specific load’s wait time at operation
ldreldate Specific load’s job’s release date
ldresalloc Specific load has resource allocated (1=yes, 0=no)
ldrmjsteps Specific load’s remaining number of operations
ldrmprtime Specific load’s remaining processing time
ldsttime Specific load’s setup time at this operation
lkupname Specific load’s item lookup table name.
loaddone Number of loads completed.
loadid Specific load ID.
loadqtim Specific load total queue time.
loadproc Number of loads processing.
loadsize Specific load size.
loadwait Number of loads waiting.
ordernam Specific load job name.
partfam Specific load part family name.
partname Specific load part name.
partsfam Specific load part subfamily name.
proctime Specific load processing time.
remproc Specific load remaining processing time.
rgindex Specific load index of member from resource group allocated to load.
rgmem Specific load name of resource from group allocated to load.