

Function ucjbtra is called when an operation starts, finishes, gets interrupted or restarts after being interrupted.


#include "factor.h"

void ucjbtra(pstLoad, cJobState)

LOAD *pstLoad;  /* Pointer to the current load. */
char cJobState; /* Character code for the job state, S, I, R, E, A. */



Note: This function can be used to trace a load through the system.
Note: The parameter cJobState can have the following values:
  • S - the operation processing is starting.
  • I - the operation is being interrupted.
  • R - the operation is being restarted after being interrupted.
  • E - the operation is at the end.
  • A - arrival, or re-arrival, to operation processing functions (this will occur multiple times during the processing of a single operation).
Note: You will get duplicate calls to ucjbtra with different codes. Each time ucjbtra is called with codes ‘R’ or ‘I’ there will also be a call with ‘A’. When called with ‘S’ you may also have a call with ‘A’. You may also get a call with the ‘A’ code by itself. The function will get called only once with the ‘E’ code. This routine can be called from ucfin1 to write out partially completed loads as well.