Miscellaneous functions

Function Description
evalexp Evaluate an expression.
seepor End processing for a job.
seferr Report a fatal error message.
seissd Return whether shift is down.
serlld Release loads for a job.
setrace Report a debug trace message.
setrev Event function to change the trace level.
setrlv Change the trace level.
sewarn Report non-fatal warning.
sierr Report fatal input error.
siorrk Return the ranking of a job.
sistsv Allocate storage for and copy a string.
siwarn Report non-fatal input warning.
sticslist Retrieve a CSLIST from a status file.
stipointer Retrieve a buffer from a status file.
stocslist Save a CSLIST to a status file.
stopointer Save a buffer to a status file.
getxcell Get a value from an Excel spreadsheet.
lookup Get a value from a lookup table (setup matrix).
orddone Number of jobs completed.
prtdone Number of parts completed.
prtinsys Number of parts in the system.
prtproc Number of parts processing in the system.
prtwai Number of parts waiting in the system.
simend Ending Scheduler time (hours from start).
simnow Current Scheduler time (hours from start).
statsclr Time statistics were last cleared (hours from start).