About This Guide

This manual provides on-premises customers with instructions for customizing the Scheduler, i.e. creating user-defined rules. It begins with a discussion of how to write User Defined Rules with logic not included in the standard system and then presents several sections in reference format which describe the system modeling constructs used to customize the Scheduler.

There are 8 different rule types that can be user defined. In the drop down list on the form you will see something like “User Defined Allocation Rule 12, etc. That will indicate the user defined rule numbers that you can create. Following is a table which contains each type of rule, where it is found on the forms, what numbers are allowed, and how it fits into the Scheduler’s logic flow. Following that table is a figure which shows how a job progresses through the system from the Scheduler’s rule point of view.

Requesting the files

The files necessary to create custom Scheduler rules are not included in the base application. To receive these files, contact an Infor Support representative. Cloud customers, being unable to implement their custom rules, should contact Infor Support to get their rules tested and implemented for them.