Batch override rule


The batch override release rule specified on the batch definition is called to determine if a forming batch should be released despite the fact that the release criteria have not been met.


#include "factor.h"

int myrule(fdp, bdp)

FORMBAT *fdp;  /* Pointer to the forming batch.  */
BATCHDEF *bdp;  /* Pointer to the batch definition. */


Non-zero if the batch should be released; zero otherwise.


The following function called from ucini1 installs the rule as rule 39:

sedfov (39, myrule);
Note: If ADDOVFG on the batch definition is yes, the override release rule is called whenever a load is added to the batch.
Note: If PEROVFG on the batch definition is yes, the override release rule is called periodically. The period is defined by OVCYCLE on the batch definition. The override review event is scheduled to occur OVCYCLE units after the first forming batch is created at the batch definition. The event reschedules itself unless there are no more forming batches for the batch definition. Therefore, the override events do not occur during times when there is nothing to consider.
Note: Function seadov may be used to call standard system rules.