System status functions

Function Description
batchid Batch ID if batch load.
batchname Batch name if member of batch.
getxcell Get a value from an Excel spreadsheet.
jobarriv Specific load arrival time at operation.
jobstart Specific load start time at operation.
jsname Specific load current operation.
ldinsys Number of loads in the system.
lddrtime Load’s drop off time at this operation.
ldduedate Load’s order’s due date.
ldlngjstep Load’s longest remaining operation.
ldoptime Load’s operating time at this operation.
ldordnmld Load’s order’s number of loads.
ldordsize Load’s order size.
ldpktime Specific loads pickup time at operation
ldprior Specific load priority
ldprtime Specific load’s processing time at operation
ldqutime Specific load’s wait time at operation
ldreldate Specific load’s order’s release date
ldresalloc Specific load has resource allocated (1=yes, 0=no)
ldrmjsteps Specific load’s remaining number of operations
ldrmprtime Specific load’s remaining processing time
ldsttime Specific load’s setup time at this operation
lkupname Specific load’s part lookup table name.
loaddone Number of load completed.
loadid Specific load ID.
loadqtim Specific load total queue time.
loadproc Number of loads processing.
loadsize Specific load size.
loadwait Number of loads waiting.
lookup Get a value from a lookup table.
mcrprct Estimated time to complete operation
mctmeos Time to end of up period.
orddone Number of orders completed.
ordernam Specific load order name.
partfam Specific load part family name.
partname Specific load part name.
partsfam Specific load part subfamily name.
prtdone Number of parts completed.
prtinsys Number of parts in the system.
prtproc Number of parts processing in the system.
prtwait Number of parts waiting in the system.
proctime Current load processing time.
raveqlen Average queue length for a resource.
raveqtim Average waiting time for a resource.
rcurqlen Current queue length for a resource.
remproc Current load remaining processing time.
resstat Current resource status.
rgavqlen Average queue length for a resource group.
rgavqtim Average waiting time for a resource group.
rgblock Current number of blocked resources in a resource group.
rgbusy Current number of busy resources in a resource group.
rgcrblck Current resource group blocked time proportion.
rgcrbusy Current resource group busy time proportion.
rgcridle Current resource group idle time proportion.
rgcroff Current resource group off-shift time proportion.
rgcrset Current resource group setup time proportion.
rgcurqln Current queue length for a resource group.
rgmem Specific load name of resource from group allocated to load.
rgidle Current number of idle resources in a resource group.
rgoff Current number of off-shift resources in a resource group.
rgonblck Current resource group on-shift blocked time proportion.
rgonbusy Current resource group on-shift busy time proportion.
rgonidle Current resource group on-shift idle time proportion.
rgonset Current resource group on-shift setup time proportion.
rgsetup Current number of setup resources in a resource group.
rscrblck Current resource blocked time proportion.
rscrbusy Current resource busy time proportion.
rscridle Current resource idle time proportion.
rscroff Current resource off-shift time proportion.
rscrset Current resource setup time proportion.
rscurshift Resource current shift.
rsonblck Current resource on-shift blocked time proportion.
rsonbusy Current resource on-shift busy time proportion.
rsonidle Current resource on-shift idle time proportion.
rsonset Current resource on-shift setup time proportion.
rsprct Estimated time to complete current operation.
rstmeos Time to end of “up” period.
simend Ending scheduler time (hours from start).
simnow Current scheduler time (hours from start).
statsclr Time statistics were last cleared (hours from start).