Setup rule (when to setup)


The setup rule specified on an operation determines whether a setup is required.


include "factor.h"

int ucwtsr (ldp, rp, jsp, rule)

LOAD  *ldp;  /* Pointer to the load.        */
char   type; /* 'R'esource             */
void  *rp;  /* Pointer to the resource to setup. */
JOBSTEP *jsp;  /* Pointer to the operation.     */
int   rule; /* When-to-setup rule to use.     */


True if setup is to be done, False if no setup is to be done.



Note: This rule is not installed, instead the function ucwtsr is always called when the rule number is greater than 2 (i.e., non-standard rule).
Note: This rule may be called several times before the setup actually occurs. Therefore, you should not write your rule in such a way that it is dependent on anything that is called only to check whether setup is to be performed.
Note: Function jswtsr may be used to call standard system rules.