Error and warning messages

To report fatal errors during the scheduling run, you can use the system function seferr, and to report non-fatal errors (warnings) during the Scheduler, you can use the system function sewarn. To report input errors and warnings, you can use the system functions sierr and siwarn, respectively.

Internally to the system, the functions accept a variable number of arguments (similar to printf) to be used in the error message. The first argument must be an integer for the number of the error message to write. For the remaining arguments, the system insures that the numbers and types match the format specified.

Your calls to these functions should use two arguments in the following order:

  1. A 0 for user-defined error messages.
  2. A string for the error message to write. Note: You can use sprintf to create the string to pass to the function.

For examples of using these functions, see the example in Section 2.4.