Sales Contacts

Use this form to enter basic information for your sales contacts at companies. You can also use the Sync buttons to synchronize sales contacts to and from Microsoft Outlook if it is installed and running on the computer where you are running SyteLine.

On the Customers form, once a prospect is converted to a customer, the sales contacts appear on the CRM tab. Sales contacts differ from the contacts on the Contacts tab, as those contacts may be for other functions, such as billing or order entry.

From the Prospects form, you can cross-reference sales contacts with prospects.

The fields on the Customer Ship-Tos tab and the Customer Bill-Tos tabs are all display-only. The information comes from the Customers form.

The fields on the Interactions tab are all display-only. The information comes from the Sales Contact Interactions form. The large, unlabeled field displays interaction notes, if any exist.

Use the fields on the Preferences tab to indicate the customer's preference for certain types of interactions, for example, you can send them a fax but not a sales promotion.

The fields on the Prospects tab are all display-only. The information comes from the Prospects form.

The fields on the Salespersons tab are all display-only. The information comes from the Salespersons form.