
Enter the salesperson code for this record. This code is used on both the Customer Ship-Tos and Customer Orders forms to indicate which salesperson made the sale. In multi-site environments, the code you use must be unique across sites, or incorrect data will be shown when multi-site data is shown. For example, you don't want to have a "Bob" in California and another "Bob" (who is a different salesperson) in Utah.

Note:  If you are using the Salesperson Hierarchical Structure as described in the Commissions Overview help topic, a record must exist in the Salespersons File for the associated Sales Manager. Additionally, the salesperson code for this sales manager must be included in the Sales Manager field of each salesperson record identifying a salesperson below this sales manager in the structure.

Once entered, this field displays the salesperson code for the current salesperson. The name of the salesperson also displays.