Sending an Email Blast without a Template

You can use the Communication Wizard to send email blasts without using an MS Word template. For these emails, you can type basic text, without or without HTML formatting, directly into the Message box. You can also select specific mail merge fields to further personalize the email blast.

  1. If you plan to use HTML-formatted text, ensure these event handlers are updated to allow HTML:
    • In the Event Handlers form, select GenericSendEmail. Click Event Actions. Click Edit Parameters. Ensure that Body is in HTML Format is selected and click OK.
    • Return to Event Handlers and repeat the above step for the GenericNotify and InteractionEmail events.
  2. In the Communication Wizard, specify the Communication Type.
  3. Specify the Communication Method as Email.
  4. Select the group you definedĀ on the Sales Contact Groups form.
  5. Click Next.
    The group contacts who opted to receive this type and method of communication are listed.
  6. Select the contacts from the group to include in this communication, and then click Next.
  7. Type a Subject and enter your text in the Message box. You can include Merge Fields (see Inserting MailMerge Fields for Contacts in the Communication Wizard Message Area). If HTML is allowed, you can add basic HTML formatting, such as <b>text</b>, in your message.
  8. Click Next.
    The email blast communication will be created and sent to the selected contacts.
  9. Optionally, you can log information about the communication. See the field-level Help for more information.
  10. Click Finish to save the log information and close the form.