Setting Up a Rebate Program

To setup a rebate program for your customers, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Price Promotions and Rebates form.
  2. Specify a promotion code and a description for the program.
  3. In the Promotion Type field, select Rebate.
  4. Set effective and expiration dates for the program.
  5. Optionally, you can set additional criteria to narrow the promotion. For example, you can limit the program to apply to only order lines placed by a particular salesperson and/or for a particular corporate customer and/or for a specific item. You can set as many or as few limitations as necessary. To leave the promotion open for all customer order lines within the promotion date range, do not specify any limitations.
  6. On the Accounts Receivable Parameters form, specify the deferred revenue account and related unit codes to record deferred revenue rebate credits.
  7. On the Price Promotions and Rebates form, Rebates tab, specify the rebate fair value. Select Rate or Amount for the type and then specify the value for that type in Rebate Fair Value.
  8. In Rebate Redemption Rate, specify the proportion of the rebate fair value that is expected to be redeemed.
  9. In Rebate Number of Periods, optionally, you can specify the number of accounting periods following the invoice date during which the rebate credit can be redeemed. Accept the default value of zero if the rebate credits should not have an expiration date.
  10. In Deferred Revenue Acct , accept the default account number or change it if necessary.
  11. Save the record.