Salesperson Home - Tasks Tab

The Tasks tab contains three sections:

  • Alerts: The buttons in this section display information about opportunities and estimates with expiring time limits.
    • Click Past Due Opportunities to open the Opportunities form, filtered to show only the opportunities for this salesperson where a projected close date exists and is in the past, and no close date exists.
    • Click Past Due Opportunity Tasks to open the Opportunity Tasks form, filtered to display only the opportunity tasks for this user where a due date exists and is in the past, and no completed date exists.
    • Click Estimates to Expire to open the Estimate Lines form, filtered to show only the estimates for this salesperson that expire within the next seven days and that have an estimate and estimate line status of Planned, Quoted, or Working.
  • Tasks: The tasks section lists the tasks assigned to you. See Adding and Viewing User Tasks for more information about tasks.
  • Inbox: The Inbox section lists messages for you. See the Inbox form for more information about the inbox. Double-click a field in the Inbox grid to view all emails that share that value. You can filter all Inbox fields except Read and Expired.
  • There are also two links on this tab:
  • Task List: Click this link to open the Task List form.
  • Inbox: Click this link to open the Inbox form.

EXAMPLE: To view only the emails from John Doe, double-click John Doe in the From field.