Salesperson Home - Navigator Tab

The Navigator tab on the Salesperson Home form includes the fields and tabs described here. Some tabs on the Navigator tab contain data coming from the Site group (meaning data from multiple sites) while others contain data only from the current site. If the data shown on the tab can come from multiple sites, the earth icon displays near the top left corner of the tab. That icon displays even if the data is from a single site.  The icon just designates a tab as having the ability to display multi-site data.


  • Multi-Site Group: This field allows you to view data in all shared Multi-Site groups including the group logged into by the user. This field is required, and the default value comes from the Multi-Site Group identified on the Users form for the logged-in user. In order to see the correct data on the form, the sites in the group must all contain the same salesperson on each site with the same id.
  • Salesperson: Select a salesperson. Valid selections include you and any salespeople who report to you. The data in the Navigation tab is filtered by your selection.
  • Include Direct Reports: Select this field to filter the Navigation tab by the selected salesperson and the salesperson's direct reports.


  • CRM: This tab displays information about leads, opportunities, and tasks for the selected salesperson and all direct reports, if selected (see below).

    The Opportunity Tasks grid displays information only for salespeople who have been tied to a user on the Salespersons form.

  • Sales Forecasts: This tab displays forecast and forecast opportunity data in two grids.

    Even if the Include Direct Reports field is selected, sales forecasts are only displayed for the selected salesperson. However, the Forecast Value amount includes sales forecast data from any direct reports.

  • Contact Information: This tab displays contact information for sales contacts, prospects, and customers. Click Map to launch an internet browser and display a map of the selected contact's address.
  • Orders: This tab displays key information about customer orders.
  • SRO: This tab displays order and order line information for service orders. Use the Order Filter buttons to show past due orders, orders with open lines, or orders with customers on credit hold.
  • Estimates: This tab displays key information about estimates.
  • Receivables: This tab displays a list of all customers in the left grid. Select a customer to populate the aging buckets and the grid with key information about that customer. Select the Subordinate field to additionally see the posted transactions of subordinate customers. Clear the field to see only the posted transactions of customers. The grid on the right displays accounts receivable data for the current salesperson where that salesperson is tied to the customer order associated with the posted AR transaction.  
  • Price/Availability: This tab displays pricing and availability information for items. Select an item to populate the Item Availability and Price History grids. Click the Show button to populate the Price area. If you also select a customer, the Price and Price History tables display information specific to that customer. To the right of the Customer field and to the right of the Currency is a read-only field displaying the currently logged into site. The earth icon displays in the Item Availability and Price History group boxes to signify that the data in each group box is multi-site data.
  • Order Bookings: This tab displays order bookings for the date selected in the Start Date field and the previous five sales periods. Leave the Start Date field blank to default to today.
  • Customer Interactions: This tab displays information about interactions with customers.
  • Prospect Interactions: This tab displays information about interactions with prospects.
  • Contact Interactions: This tab displays information about interactions with sales contacts.
  • Order Shipment Status: This tab displays order shipments. Use the Start Date field to limit the data to everything on or after the start date. Leave the Start Date field blank to default to [today - 7 days].
  • Commission Due: This tab displays any commissions that are due. Use the Commission Status check boxes (Pay, Hold, and Complete) above the grid to further filter the information. By default, Pay and Hold are selected.