Salesperson Home - Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab links to forms and activities that are useful for a salesperson. There are also three charts, a grid, and a tree on this tab.

My Stats

The My Stats area of this tab contains three links: Alerts, Tasks, and Inbox. You are redirected to the Tasks tab if you click any of the links. The Tasks tab shows tasks and inbox messages. The number of alerts on the Tasks tab is broken down by being either on the Past Due Opportunities button, the Past Due Opportunity Tasks button, or the Estimates To Expire button.


Place your mouse pointer over any of the columns to see the data value for that column.

Pipeline: This chart shows the total value of the salesperson's projected opportunities in a given sales period, which is determined by calculating the sum of the estimated value of all opportunities in a given sales period where no close date exists.

Opportunities Closed: This chart shows all closed opportunities for a given period, which is determined by calculating the sum of the estimated value of all opportunities in a given sales period where a close date exists.

Key Today: This chart shows commissions, booking PTD, and estimates.

  • Commissions: This shows the amount that is due to the salesperson in domestic currency.
  • Booking PTD: This shows the order booking amount for the current period for the salesperson in domestic currency.
  • Estimates: This shows the outstanding estimate amount for the salesperson in domestic currency.


Top 5 Orders on Credit Hold: This grid shows the top five orders (by price) on credit hold for the salesperson.


My Interactions: This tree shows all interactions for the salesperson. This includes all customer, prospect, and sales contact interactions. The information is grouped three different ways:

  • Today: Contact date is the current date.
  • Last 7 days: Contact date is seven days prior to the current date.
  • Last 30 days: Contact date is up to 30 days prior to the current date.