Integration updates

Birst updates (RS8215)

We have added these new reports and KPIs:
  • Inventory Cost by ABC Code Report
  • Top 10 Products by Inventory Cost Report
  • Inventory Cost by Warehouse Report
  • Purchased Cost KPI
  • Subassemblies Cost KPI
  • Finished Goods Cost KPI
  • WIP Cost KPI
  • Total Inventory + WIP KPI
  • Total Inventory KPI
  • Inventory Cost KPI
These updates have also been added:
  • The last Birst data injection Load Date has been added on the Welcome Page.
  • The default accounting period on the Financial Report Header is now set to the fiscal year instead of the calendar year.
  • UI enhancements have been made regarding display of tiles on the Welcome Page to make it more user friendly.