General Application updates

Back Office Signature Name Visibility (RS9229)

The back office Signatures form, which currently shows electronic signatures captured in incidents and service orders in the Service Mobile app, will now include a Signature Name field above the electronic signature. This field will contain the customer's full signature name as they entered it on the mobile work order or estimate. Their signature name will then be automatically synchronized from the app to the Signatures form, which ensures the accuracy of signature information during any follow-up reference.

Automation Tooling For Phased Deploy of Sites (RS9146)

This feature is in controlled availability. You must obtain a feature key with which to unlock this feature on the Feature Management form. Multi-site customers can use a new automation tool on the Site Management form to onboard data from any existing site to new site, without taking other sites offline. Using the form's Export and Import tabs, this tool lets you migrate data from an existing site to a new site with no maintenance downtime in your production environment. The process entails importing site data by files, after first exporting those files from the source site.

Administrators have two options to migrate site data:

  • Import site data by remote API calls.
  • Import site data by files, after export from the source site.

You can also see and correct issues that may occur during the migration, then retry the processing task.

Toolbar enhancements in online documentation

The toolbar for online documentation has been enhanced. We have added descriptive text next to each icon to improve usability. The Print PDF option, which was under the Print icon, is now represented by a PDF icon. Click the icon to open a PDF of the current document. You can print or download the PDF, or view it in the browser. To print a single topic, click the Print icon.

The behavior of the PDF button in content on has changed. The effects of the change are different in documentation libraries than in single help systems. In a single help system, click the PDF button to display a single PDF that contains all the content of the system. In a documentation library, the behavior of the PDF button is also affected by your current position within the library. If no topic is selected, click the PDF button to display links to all available PDFs within the library. If a topic is selected, click the PDF button to display a PDF of the topic’s parent document. To return to the list of links to available PDFs, click the Home button and then click PDF.