General Application updates

Credit Limit check and On Order Balance for CO with tax (CSIB-30780/APAR 270787)

This solution needed for this APAR requires that the Rebalance Customer Balances utility be executed and completed successfully prior to using Credit Hold functionality for any existing customer rows. You must execute the Rebalance Customer Balances utility for the local/parms site in all sites (for example, on the Rebalance Customer Balances form, in the Multi-Site Group ID field, either provide the local site or leave it blank). This utility must be executed successfully for On Order Balance to be filled in and calculated correctly going forward. If there are any errors, a new report, Rebalance Customer Balances Message Report, is generated.

From Email Address Domain Override at Site Level (CSIPM-1225)

We have added a new field, From Email, to the Sites/Entities form. The value you specify here overrides the value you have at the intranet level.

Windows Server 2022 Certification (CSIPM-1074)

SyteLine and optional modules are certified as Windows Server 2022 compliant.

Windows 11 Certification (CSIPM-1066)

SyteLine and optional modules are certified as Windows 11 compliant.