Sampling Criterias

Use this form in conjunction with the Test Plan Sampling Rates form to determine whether a QCS item falls under a status of loosened, normal, or tightened, and how many test samples to record when generating test results for a receiver. This calculated value is called AQL; Acceptable Quality Level.

When test results are recorded, the system parses through a set amount of recently completed receivers, as designated by the # Receivers field, for the item on the receiver, and calculates the number of rejected receivers.

If the number of rejected receivers is less than the number in the Loosened field, the item is designated a loosened inspection status. If the number of rejected receivers is greater than the number in the Tightened field, the item is designated a tightened inspection status. If the number of rejected receivers is in between the “loosened” and “tightened” values, the item is designated a normal inspection status.

If the number of completed receivers for that item is less than the number in the # Receivers field, the item is automatically assigned a tightened status.