Review COCs for Shipments

This form displays the shipment lines and pertinent QCS information for the shipment being set to Ready to Ship. The form opens when the status on the Shipment Master form is changed from Open to Ready to Ship.

Click OK to validate that all the lines being shipped have sufficient COC quantity available for all lines requiring QCS COCs. If there are any lines with insufficient COC quantity available, an error message is displayed, and the status is changed back to Open on the Shipment Master form. If all lines requiring QCS COCs have sufficient quantities available, the Quantity Shipped field is updated, and the form saves the status change. Data is populated in the grid depending on which shipment number displays in the read-only Shipment field. Lines that have sufficient QCS quantity available or lines that do not require QCS are highlighted green. Lines that require QCS but do not have a sufficient quantity show are highlighted red. All fields in the grid are read-only.

If you have not tied the receiver or COC to the shipment, you can right-click on Rcvr Num and choose Details to find the receiver and link it to the shipment/line. Then click Refresh to update the fields.