Creating a Project Resource

  1. Choose the project and task on the Project Resources form for which you wish to add a resource.
  2. Select Actions > New to add a project resource.
  3. Select a valid item number from the Items form in the Item field. You can enter a non-inventory item by supplying an item number that is not found on the Items form.
  4. Enter the project cost code to determine which General Ledger account is affected by this item's costs.
  5. Enter a warehouse for this resource.
  6. Enter the number of items required to complete this task. If the item is serial tracked, the quantity must be a whole number.
  7. The unit of measure for an inventoried item displays from the Items form. If you entered a non-inventoried item, enter the unit of measure associated with this item. Use the browser button to bring up a list of units of measure.
  8. Save your changes.